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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Wishes that i hve lots of best friends as they rock sia.
Loves u friends...so boring..nxt time ur talk to me cn?
I very sian at hme..Talk to me more..plssss...aniwae i gtg.BB


a butterfly landed @ 2:25 AM

so bad la!My science get 49.5 leh!OH MY GOODNESS!half mark more then can pass le leh....sobsob.Why i so unlucky de???!!!!!Someone give me half mark plsssssss....GOD BLESS ME!Give another half mark can le la...I so scared my mum scold but i know she won't...haha.gd to hve a mother like her-caring.hehe

a butterfly landed @ 12:59 AM

Friday, May 11, 2007

I tried to make my Friend Test but failed.....AHHH!!!!!!....Plsssssss help me friends if u know..thank you; thank you.I really hope that i have a friend test so that i know if i have many friends who know me well..plss grand me my wish...plss thank you..:)

a butterfly landed @ 7:17 AM

Thursday, May 10, 2007

ohh....so happy.MOTHER's Day is cmg...I am going to give her a surprise but still in a thinking mood wat to do.haha!You shld be thinking too ba..Anyway hve a nice Mother's day with your mummy........gtg byebye..ss

a butterfly landed @ 10:24 PM

Who is a Fool?
Five friends shared a flat and they are called Somebody,Nobody,Brain,Mad n Fool.One day,Somebody killed Nobody and at that time,Brain was in the bathroom.Mad called the police.Mad:Somebody killed Nobody.Police:Are u mad?Mad:Yes,i am mad.Police:Where's your brain?Mad:Brain is in the bathroom.Police:U bloody Fool.Mad:No,Fool is reading this joke.
If it offence u,sorry.

a butterfly landed @ 2:41 AM

The things i like:
soft toy

a butterfly landed @ 2:23 AM

I got my paper bck and i am very happy.I had 68 marks for maths.Quite happy.My target is 70 but i had improve 14 marks.Sadly,i am so scared of my Science paper.I myself know that i done the paper very badly.I am so scared to get bck my paper.I really hope that i can get gd marks but now....i hve no confidence...:(

a butterfly landed @ 2:02 AM

A joke which most of you shld know!
To start your day with a smile.A girl from Tibet went to Shanghai for a job interview.To test her English,China boss asked her to make a sentence with:GREEN,pink,yellow,blue,white,purple and black.She answered:I hear phone Green Green,then i go and Pink up the phone,and i say Yellow,Blues that?White did you say?Oh wrong number,don't purplely disturb people and don't call BLack ok? Boss say:U can go black now and wait for phone Green Green.

a butterfly landed @ 1:49 AM

I love to:
watch t.v
writing post
outdoor games too

a butterfly landed @ 1:46 AM

My best Friends are:
and more.......

a butterfly landed @ 1:39 AM

hi friends how are u?how is my blog? Nice?i doubt not

a butterfly landed @ 12:50 AM